Help Lines

Get Help

Help Lines and Emergency Resources

In Case Of Emergency

If it is after hours or if you need help right now, below are some help-line phone numbers in California.

If it is an emergency or if you are feeling suicidal, go to your nearest emergency room and/or call 911 immediately.


Help Phone Numbers in California (and beyond)

⇒  988 is a suicide and crisis lifeline that you can call or text. 988 is available 24 hours, in English, Spanish.


⇒  chat is the free online chat version of 988 call or text lifeline (see ablove) 


⇒  2-1-1 is a free, non-emergency, confidential 3-digit phone number and service that provides easy access to housing information and critial health and human services. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with multi-lingual capabilities


⇒  Alameda Crisis Line: 1-800-309-2131


⇒  Berkeley Women’s Daytime Drop-In Center: 1-510-548-2884


⇒  CHAIN (Community Housing & Information Network): 1-510-537-2552


⇒  Concord and Brookside Homeless Shelters: 1-800-799-6599


⇒  Contra Costa County Homeless Hotline: 1-800-808-6444


⇒  Contra Costa Mental Health Access Line: 1-888-678-7277


⇒  LGBT National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564


⇒  LGBT National Youth Talkline, serving youth through age 25: 1-800-246-PRIDE = 1-800-246-7743


⇒  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK = 1-800-273-8255


⇒  STAND Against Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-888-215-5555


⇒  Trevor Project Crisis Line (LGBT), call, text or chat online with this number): 1-866-488-7386


⇒  The West Contra Costa Children’s Clinic: 1-510-374-3261